Colorado Free University Course Listing and Online Registration

Write Better Right Now!: Strategies for Effective Business Writing (Online)

Dates:July 25, 2024
Meets:One Thu., 6:30-8:30PM 07/25 (MT)
Location:Via Zoom
Cost: $51.00

Sorry, this course has been cancelled. Please contact our office to see if it will be rescheduled, or if alternative classes are available.

Save $12.00 with a CFU Membership

During this time of social distancing, effective written communication is more important than ever. Happily, with the state-of-the-art technology available to us today, communication is easy. Yet it can be said that real communication is not happening. The truth is that many of us lack the skills to effectively put our ideas into writing. This seminar is about communicating effectively and powerfully in writing – whether it is an email, an instant message, a letter, a report, or a proposal. Learn the POWER writing system that will allow you to write with effortless ease. Get the tools and resources to ensure that your grammar and punctuation are always correct. Receive 10 guidelines for writing emails that get responses and results. Mary Grace Glasier has led writing workshops in major corporations and to thousands of people around the U.S. She now leads programs internationally to business professionals who want to take their results and their career to higher levels.

NOTE: This course will be offered via Zoom. Register now and then prior to class the instructor will send you the link to attend. Look for an email with "CFU Zoom class" in the subject line. Good internet connection and a laptop or device with camera and mic is needed.


Class time is in MT. Good internet connection and a laptop or device with camera and mic is needed. The day before class, the instructor will send an email with the Zoom invitation/meeting info you need to attend class. Be ready to log on and join the meeting 5-10 minutes prior to the class start time. If you have trouble using the link, just go to, click "Join a Meeting" and enter the meeting ID provided in the instructor's email.
Fee: $51.00

Save $12.00 with a CFU Membership

Via Zoom

Good internet connection and a laptop or device with camera and mic is needed. We recommend downloading Zoom in advance, although you do not have to download it to access your class. Look for an email from your instructor about the day prior to class. Be ready to log on and join the meeting 5-10 minutes prior to the class start time so you will be ready when class begins. If you have trouble using the link, just go to, click "Join a Meeting" and enter the meeting ID provided in the instructor's email. Link to download: