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Save $12.00 with a CFU Membership
To fulfill its mission, a nonprofit needs a strong board. This workshop is designed to support and enhance the board development process for nonprofits and will highlight key roles and responsibilities of board members and critical areas for skills development. Learn about assessing your current board's performance, creating/updating your board handbook, and developing a matrix to determine board composition and plan recruitment. Get practical tools to run more productive board meetings. This workshop is designed for new or experienced board members and nonprofit leaders who work with boards. You're encouraged to bring your board handbook and a recent board meeting agenda for reference and discussion throughout the workshop. Lynn O'Connell has more than 20 years of experience in the nonprofit sector, and has served in diverse roles including those of nonprofit staff, consultant, trainer, and board trustee. As a consultant, she writes proposals for both nonprofit organizations as well as small business owners. Lynn holds a certificate in nonprofit management from Duke University as well as an MA in philanthropy from Indiana University.
NOTE: This course will be offered via Zoom. Register now and then prior to class the instructor will send you the link to attend. Look for an email with "CFU Zoom class" in the subject line. Good internet connection and a laptop or device with camera and mic is needed.
Via Zoom
Lynn O'Connell
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