Colorado Free University Course Listing and Online Registration

Work Remotely & Become a Digital Nomad: Create Your Money-Making Travel Lifestyle & Work Anywhe

Course Code:8816L
Dates:March 22, 2025
Meets:One Sat., 10AM-1PM 03/22 (MT)
Location:Via Zoom
Cost: $71.00

There are still openings remaining at this time.


Save $12.00 with a CFU Membership

Working remotely is now the thing. Why not add travel into the mix? Join thousands of individuals who are taking their work with them and hitting the road! You can make your travels sustainable by earning a living as you travel. Professional traveler Gina Henry has been doing this for years and shares her wealth of knowledge. Get the “how to” of living on the road including downsizing, putting your stuff in storage, getting your mail, how to have a “physical address,” the RV lifestyle, timeshares, international living, long-term rentals, housesitting, and more. Learn the best ways to set up your remote office and get quality WiFi in your hotel, long-term rental, and out of your car or RV. Gina Henry founded Go Global, Inc. over 30 years ago and has been location independent and working remotely for the past six years, traveling year round. The materials fee is for a digital copy of Work Remotely and Become a Digital Nomad (a $39.95 value). NOTE: This course will be offered via Zoom. Register now and then prior to class the instructor will send you the link to attend. Good internet connection and a laptop or device with camera and mic is needed.


$15 materials fee paid at registration for eBook. Good internet connection and a laptop or device with camera and mic is needed. You should download Zoom in advance of class. It is free to install, Look for an email from your instructor with the Zoom link for the class. The zoom invitation will be in Central Time. Be ready to log on and join the meeting 5–10 minutes prior to the class start time so you will be ready when class begins. If you have trouble using the link, just go to, click "Join a Meeting" and enter the meeting ID provided in the instructor's email.
Fee: $71.00

Save $12.00 with a CFU Membership

Fee Breakdown

Course Fee (Basic)Non-Member$ 56.00
Mandatory FeeBook$ 15.00

Via Zoom

Good internet connection and a laptop or device with camera and mic is needed. We recommend downloading Zoom in advance, although you do not have to download it to access your class. Look for an email from your instructor about the day prior to class. Be ready to log on and join the meeting 5-10 minutes prior to the class start time so you will be ready when class begins. If you have trouble using the link, just go to, click "Join a Meeting" and enter the meeting ID provided in the instructor's email. Link to download: