Colorado Free University Course Listing and Online Registration

Spanish 8 (Online)

Course Code:L8150FF
Dates:April 29 - May 27, 2025
Meets:Five Tue., 6-7:25PM Begins 04/29 (MT)
Location:Online Spanish Course
Cost: $154.00

There are still openings remaining at this time.


Save $15.00 with a CFU Membership

In Spanish 8 learn the concept of the subjunctive mode (present tense only). This lesson will cover regular and irregular conjugations and how to form sentences in the subjunctive mode ("I wish you could come to the class today," "We hope you will have a great trip," etc.) Start choosing between the indicative mode and the subjunctive mode to express your ideas. After this class you will have a good understanding of the subjunctive mode, and its conjugations and uses. You will be able to express wishes, doubts, impersonal expressions, and more! NOTE: This course will be offered via Zoom. Register now and the day before class, you will receive your electronic copy of the materials and the instructor will send you the link to attend. Good internet connection and a laptop or device with camera and mic is needed.


Please select either printed book (pickup is required in advance of class) OR PDF book for materials, if you did NOT take Spanish 7 previously. If you select PDF, being able to print a copy on your own or use a 2nd device to view book during class will be helpful. Class time is in MT. Good internet connection and a laptop or device with camera and mic is needed. The day before class, you will receive your electronic copy of the materials and the instructor will send you the link to attend. Be ready to log on and join the meeting 5-10 minutes prior to the class start time so you will be ready when class begins. If you have trouble using the link, just go to, click "Join a Meeting" and enter the meeting ID provided in the instructor's email.
Fee: $154.00

Save $15.00 with a CFU Membership

Fee Breakdown

Course Fee (Basic)Non-Member$ 154.00
Optional FeePrinted Book$ 0.00
Optional FeePDF Book$ 0.00

Online Spanish Course

Class will be taught via Zoom. Good internet connection and a laptop or device with camera and mic is needed. You should download Zoom in advance of class it is free to install, Be ready to log on and join the meeting 5-10 minutes prior to the class start time so you will be ready when class begins.
Date Day Time Location
04/29/2025Tuesday6 PM to 7:25 PM Online Spanish Course
05/06/2025Tuesday6 PM to 7:25 PM Online Spanish Course
05/13/2025Tuesday6 PM to 7:25 PM Online Spanish Course
05/20/2025Tuesday6 PM to 7:25 PM Online Spanish Course
05/27/2025Tuesday6 PM to 7:25 PM Online Spanish Course