Colorado Free University Course Listing and Online Registration

Denver CO

Click the course Title link for more information.

1109AHCertificate in Nonprofit Leadership & Administration12/31/2512/31/25General Information0.00
1197AAThe Play's the Thing: Reader's Theatre for Non-Actors04/07/2504/07/25One Mon., 6:30-8:30PM 04/07 (MT)15.00
1197ABThe Play's the Thing: Reader's Theatre for Non-Actors05/05/2505/05/25One Mon., 6:30-8:30PM 05/05 (MT)15.00
1197YThe Play's the Thing: Reader's Theatre for Non-Actors03/03/2503/03/25One Mon., 6:30-8:30PM 03/03 (MT)15.00
1203IExploring Mixed Media Art02/22/2502/22/25One Sat., 2-4PM 02/22 (MT)51.00
1203JExploring Mixed Media Art04/19/2504/19/25One Sat., 9:30-11:30AM 04/19 (MT)51.00
1206HSpontaneous Collage: A Gateway to Creativity02/25/2502/25/25One Tue., 6-8PM 02/25 (MT)46.00
1206ISpontaneous Collage: A Gateway to Creativity04/06/2504/06/25One Sun., 1-3PM 04/06 (MT)46.00
1207CExpanding Your Creative Repertoire: Monoprinting & Mark-making03/16/2503/16/25One Sun., 9AM-12:30PM 03/16 (MT)56.00
1207DExpanding Your Creative Repertoire: Monoprinting & Mark-making05/24/2505/24/25One Sat., 9AM-12:30PM 05/24 (MT)56.00
1239PCollage for Clarity©04/22/2504/22/25One Tue., 6-8:30PM 04/22 (MT)61.00
1292RExploring Book Binding: A Daylong Workshop04/06/2504/06/25One Sun., 9AM-2:30PM 04/06 (MT)71.00
1314LColor & Flow: Beginning Watercolor Workshop03/02/2503/23/25Four Sun., 2-4PM Begins 03/02 (MT)110.00
1314MColor & Flow: Beginning Watercolor Workshop04/06/2504/27/25Four Sun., 2-4PM Begins 04/06 (MT)110.00
1314NColor & Flow: Beginning Watercolor Workshop05/04/2506/01/25Four Sun., 2-4PM Begins 05/04; Skips 5/25110.00
1410AFPower Up Your Memory: Stay Sharp for Life03/04/2503/04/25One Tue., 6-9PM 03/04 (MT)66.00
1410AGPower Up Your Memory: Stay Sharp for Life05/03/2505/03/25One Sat., 1-4PM 05/03 (MT)66.00
1450BTBe Expressed!: Explorations in Abstract Art02/15/2502/15/25One Sat., 2-4PM 02/15 (MT) (Exploring nature)51.00
1450BUBe Expressed!: Explorations in Abstract Art03/15/2503/15/25One Sat., 2-4PM 03/15 (MT) (Embracing Chaos)51.00
1450BVBe Expressed!: Explorations in Abstract Art03/29/2503/29/25One Sat., 2-4PM 03/29 (MT) (Sparking Passion)51.00
1450BWBe Expressed!: Explorations in Abstract Art04/12/2504/12/25One Sat., 2-4PM 04/12 (MT) (Finding Flow)51.00
1450BXBe Expressed!: Explorations in Abstract Art04/26/2504/26/25One Sat., 2-4PM 04/26 (MT) (Connecting to Nature)51.00
1450BYBe Expressed!: Explorations in Abstract Art05/10/2505/10/25One Sat., 2-4PM 05/10 (MT) (Embracing Chaos)51.00
1450CABe Expressed!: Explorations in Abstract Art05/17/2505/17/25One Sat., 2-4PM 05/17 (MT) (Sparking Passion)51.00
1456BTNo Fear Acrylics03/01/2503/01/25One Sat., 1-5PM 03/01 (MT)56.00
1456BUNo Fear Acrylics06/14/2506/14/25One Sat., 1-5PM 06/14 (MT)56.00
1491AUIn-Depth Drawing Workshop: Take Your Art to the Next Level03/15/2504/19/25Six Sat., 9AM-12N Begins 03/15 (MT)156.00
1492BVBasic Drawing: Drawing as Seeing05/03/2505/31/25Four Sat., 1-3:30PM Begins 05/03; Skips 5/24 (MT)110.00
1559KFCrafting Furniture: Woodworking Basics02/22/2502/23/25One Sat. & One Sun., 9AM-1PM, 2/22 & 2/23 bookcase114.00
1559KGCrafting Furniture: Woodworking Basics03/29/2503/30/25One Sat. & One Sun., 9AM-1PM, 3/29 & 3/30 table114.00
1559KHCrafting Furniture: Woodworking Basics04/26/2504/27/25One Sat. & One Sun., 9AM-1PM, 4/26 & 4/27 bookcase114.00
1562BI9Beginning Colored Pencil Techniques02/22/2502/22/25One Sat., 10AM-4PM 02/22 (MT)66.00
1670XBeginning Native American Flute04/26/2505/17/25Four Sat., 10-11:30AM Begins 04/26 (MT)61.00
1961ATDo You Have a Spirit Guide? Learning How to Connect with the Divine03/23/2503/23/25One Sun., 1-3:30PM 03/23 (MT)51.00
1961AUDo You Have a Spirit Guide? Learning How to Connect with the Divine05/18/2505/18/25One Sun., 1-3:30PM 05/18 (MT)51.00
1964FExploring Spiritual Enlightenment03/16/2503/16/25One Sun., 1-3:30PM 03/16 (MT)51.00
1964GExploring Spiritual Enlightenment06/01/2506/01/25One Sun., 1-3:30PM 06/01 (MT)51.00
2048EPLetters to the Future: The Simple Guide for Writing Your Memoir03/01/2503/01/25One Sat., 9AM-12:30PM 03/01 (MT)61.00
2062AM9Jump Start Your Creative Engine: Start Writing Now03/01/2503/01/25One Sat., 1:30-5PM 03/01 (MT)61.00
2062ANJump Start Your Creative Engine: Start Writing Now04/05/2504/05/25One Sat., 1:30-5PM 04/05 (MT)61.00
2093DVBe Your Own General Contractor and Save Thousands03/12/2503/12/25One Wed., 6:30-9PM 03/12 (MT)51.00
2093DWBe Your Own General Contractor and Save Thousands05/14/2505/14/25One Wed., 6:30-9PM 05/14 (MT)51.00
2991DDiscover Your Dream Job: Using Your Interests to Develop Your Career02/20/2502/20/25One Thu., 6:30-9PM 02/20 (MT)56.00
3129AAThe Role of Cognitive Bias in Producing Suboptimal Outcomes: How We Make Decisions in Financial Markets…and in Our L02/15/2502/15/25One Sat., 9AM-12N 02/15 (MT)61.00
3129ABThe Role of Cognitive Bias in Producing Suboptimal Outcomes: How We Make Decisions in Financial Markets…and in Our L04/26/2504/26/25One Sat., 9AM-12N 04/26 (MT)61.00
3180AADirecting for Theatre02/24/2504/14/25Eight Mon., 7-9PM Begins 02/24 (MT)222.00
3226CCDiscover Your Talents: Develop Your Strengths05/20/2505/20/25One Tue., 6-8PM 05/20 (MT)61.00
3400HMPersonal Computer Basics with Windows 10: Getting Started03/01/2503/01/25One Sat., 9AM-12N 03/01 (MT)74.00
3400HNPersonal Computer Basics with Windows 10: Getting Started04/02/2504/02/25One Wed., 9AM-12N 04/02 (MT)74.00
3400HOPersonal Computer Basics with Windows 10: Getting Started05/03/2505/03/25One Sat., 9AM-12N 05/03 (MT)74.00
3400HPPersonal Computer Basics with Windows 10: Getting Started05/16/2505/16/25One Fri., 9AM-12N 05/16 (MT)74.00
3406ELIntroduction to Gmail and Google02/15/2502/15/25One Sat., 9AM-12N 02/15 (MT)74.00
3406EMIntroduction to Gmail and Google04/09/2504/09/25One Wed., 9AM-12N 04/09 (MT)74.00
3406ENIntroduction to Gmail and Google05/19/2505/19/25One Mon., 9AM-12N 05/19 (MT)74.00
3408DEUsing Google G Suite02/28/2502/28/25One Fri., 9AM-4PM 02/28 (MT)144.00
3408DFUsing Google G Suite04/14/2504/14/25One Mon., 9AM-4PM 04/14 (MT)144.00
3408DGUsing Google G Suite05/10/2505/10/25One Sat., 9AM-4PM 05/10 (MT)144.00
3410FCUsing Microsoft Windows 1002/19/2502/19/25One Wed., 9AM-4PM 02/19 (MT)139.00
3410FDUsing Microsoft Windows 1003/22/2503/22/25One Sat., 9AM-4PM 03/22 (MT)139.00
3410FEUsing Microsoft Windows 1004/16/2504/16/25One Wed., 9AM-4PM 04/16 (MT)139.00
3410FFUsing Microsoft Windows 1005/13/2505/13/25One Tue., 9AM-4PM 05/13 (MT)139.00
3411DNUsing Microsoft Windows 11 Full02/13/2502/13/25One Thu., 9AM-4PM 02/13 (MT)139.00
3411DOUsing Microsoft Windows 1103/12/2503/12/25One Wed., 9AM-4PM 03/12 (MT)139.00
3411DPUsing Microsoft Windows 1104/12/2504/12/25One Sat., 9AM-4PM 04/12 (MT)139.00
3411DQUsing Microsoft Windows 1105/15/2505/15/25One Thu., 9AM-4PM 05/15 (MT)139.00
3440AIExploring Adobe Illustrator04/26/2504/26/25One Sat., 9AM-4PM 04/26 (MT)164.00
3441AHExploring Adobe Photoshop02/22/2502/22/25One Sat., 9AM-4PM 02/22 (MT)164.00
3441AIExploring Adobe Photoshop04/12/2504/12/25One Sat., 9AM-4PM 04/12 (MT)164.00
3442FRMicrosoft Word - Level 1 Full02/22/2502/22/25One Sat., 9AM-4PM 02/22 (MT)179.00
3442FSMicrosoft Word - Level 103/07/2503/07/25One Fri., 9AM-4PM 03/07 (MT)179.00
3442FTMicrosoft Word - Level 104/05/2504/05/25One Sat., 9AM-4PM 04/05 (MT)179.00
3442FVMicrosoft Word - Level 104/15/2504/15/25One Tue., 9AM-4PM 04/15 (MT)179.00
3442FWMicrosoft Word - Level 105/12/2505/12/25One Mon., 9AM-4PM 05/12 (MT)179.00
3443QOMicrosoft Word - Level 202/12/2502/12/25One Wed., 9AM-4PM 02/12 (MT)179.00
3443QPMicrosoft Word - Level 204/17/2504/17/25One Thu., 9AM-4PM 04/17 (MT)179.00
3445ALExploring Adobe InDesign02/15/2502/15/25One Sat., 9AM-4PM 02/15 (MT)164.00
3445AMExploring Adobe InDesign04/19/2504/19/25One Sat., 9AM-4PM 04/19 (MT)164.00
3448EWAdobe Photoshop CC: Boot Camp03/06/2503/06/25One Thu., 9AM-4PM 03/06 (MT)369.00
3448EYAdobe Photoshop CC: Boot Camp05/19/2505/19/25One Mon., 9AM-4PM 05/19 (MT)369.00
3450IDAdobe Illustrator CC: Comprehensive Workshop03/26/2503/27/25One Wed. & One Thu, 9AM-4PM Begins 03/26 (MT)459.00
3451GMAdobe InDesign CC: Comprehensive Workshop05/07/2505/08/25One Wed. & One Thu, 9AM-4PM Begins 05/07 (MT)459.00
3453AFAdobe InDesign CC: Boot Camp03/12/2503/12/25One Wed., 9AM-4PM 03/12 (MT)369.00
3453AGAdobe InDesign CC: Boot Camp04/22/2504/22/25One Tue., 9AM-4PM 04/22 (MT)369.00
3453AHAdobe InDesign CC: Boot Camp05/22/2505/22/25One Thu., 9AM-4PM 05/22 (MT)369.00
3456BYAdobe Graphic Design 2-Day Intensive: Using Adobe Creative Cloud02/24/2502/25/25One Mon. & One Tue., 9AM-4PM Begins 02/24 (MT)539.00
3456CAAdobe Graphic Design 2-Day Intensive: Using Adobe Creative Cloud04/08/2504/09/25One Tue. & One Wed., 9AM-4PM Begins 04/08 (MT)539.00
3457MAdobe Illustrator CC: Boot Camp03/11/2503/11/25One Tue., 9AM-4PM 03/11 (MT)369.00
3457NAdobe Illustrator CC: Boot Camp05/01/2505/01/25One Thu., 9AM-4PM 05/01 (MT)369.00
3459SUsing AI in Adobe Photoshop02/11/2502/11/25One Tue., 9AM-4PM 02/11 (MT)254.00
3459UUsing AI in Adobe Photoshop04/17/2504/17/25One Thu., 9AM-4PM 04/17 (MT)254.00
3459VUsing AI in Adobe Photoshop05/20/2505/20/25One Tue., 9AM-4PM 05/20 (MT)254.00
3475FSWordPress: Mastering the Gutenberg Block Editor02/20/2502/20/25One Thu., 9AM-4PM 02/20 (MT)204.00
3475FTWordPress: Mastering the Gutenberg Block Editor03/13/2503/13/25One Thu., 9AM-4PM 03/13 (MT)204.00
3475FVWordPress: Mastering the Gutenberg Block Editor04/03/2504/03/25One Thu., 9AM-4PM 04/03 (MT)204.00
3475FWWordPress: Mastering the Gutenberg Block Editor04/24/2504/24/25One Thu., 9AM-4PM 04/24 (MT)204.00
3475FXWordPress: Mastering the Gutenberg Block Editor05/15/2505/15/25One Thu., 9AM-4PM 05/15 (MT)204.00
3480QSMicrosoft Excel - Level 102/27/2502/27/25One Thu., 9AM-4PM 02/27 (MT)179.00
3480QTMicrosoft Excel - Level 103/10/2503/10/25One Mon., 9AM-4PM 03/10 (MT)179.00
3480QVMicrosoft Excel - Level 103/29/2503/29/25One Sat., 9AM-4PM 03/29 (MT)179.00
3480QWMicrosoft Excel - Level 104/10/2504/10/25One Thu., 9AM-4PM 04/10 (MT)179.00
3480QXMicrosoft Excel - Level 104/23/2504/23/25One Wed., 9AM-4PM 04/23 (MT)179.00
3480RAMicrosoft Excel - Level 105/09/2505/09/25One Fri., 9AM-4PM 05/09 (MT)179.00
3480RBMicrosoft Excel - Level 105/17/2505/17/25One Sat., 9AM-4PM 05/17 (MT)179.00
3481ABMicrosoft Excel - Level 202/21/2502/21/25One Fri., 9AM-4PM 02/21 (MT)179.00
3481ACMicrosoft Excel - Level 203/31/2503/31/25One Mon., 9AM-4PM 03/31 (MT)179.00
3481ADMicrosoft Excel - Level 204/30/2504/30/25One Wed., 9AM-4PM 04/30 (MT)179.00
3482JDMicrosoft Excel - Level 302/26/2502/26/25One Wed., 9AM-4PM 02/26 (MT)189.00
3482JEMicrosoft Excel - Level 305/21/2505/21/25One Wed., 9AM-4PM 05/21 (MT)189.00
3495RFMicrosoft PowerPoint: Introduction02/10/2502/10/25One Mon., 9AM-4PM 02/10 (MT)179.00
3495RGMicrosoft PowerPoint: Introduction03/28/2503/28/25One Fri., 9AM-4PM 03/28 (MT)179.00
3495RHMicrosoft PowerPoint: Introduction05/06/2505/06/25One Tue., 9AM-4PM 05/06 (MT)179.00
3612CMTaxes for the Small Business Owner02/18/2502/18/25One Tue., 6-9PM 02/18 (MT)51.00
3612COTaxes for the Small Business Owner04/22/2504/22/25One Tue., 6-9PM 04/22 (MT)51.00
4132BTFront Row, Center: Discover the Joys of Live Theatre!02/24/2502/24/25One Mon., 6:30-8:30PM 02/24 (MT)20.00
4524DSEmpathy-Based Communication: Authentic Presence for Successful Relationships02/15/2502/15/25One Sat., 1-4PM 02/15 (MT)51.00
4524DTEmpathy-Based Communication: Authentic Presence for Successful Relationships03/13/2503/13/25One Thu., 6:30-9:30PM 03/13 (MT)51.00
4524DUEmpathy-Based Communication: Authentic Presence for Successful Relationships04/19/2504/19/25One Sat., 1-4PM 04/19 (MT)51.00
4524DVEmpathy-Based Communication: Authentic Presence for Successful Relationships05/19/2505/19/25One Mon., 6:30-9:30PM 05/19 (MT)51.00
6516VBasics of Interior Design: Transforming Lackluster Rooms to Lovely Spaces02/15/2502/15/25One Sat., 10AM-12N 02/15 (MT)51.00
6603FX9Getting Ready for Social Security?: Take This Class First!02/11/2502/11/25One Tue., 6:30-8:30PM 02/11 (MT)41.00
6603FYGetting Ready for Social Security?: Take This Class First!03/11/2503/11/25One Tue., 6:30-8:30PM 03/11 (MT)41.00
6603GBGetting Ready for Social Security?: Take This Class First!05/13/2505/13/25One Tue., 6:30-8:30PM 05/13 (MT)41.00
6605EA9Prepare for Medicare!02/13/2502/13/25One Thu., 6:30-8:30PM 02/13 (MT)41.00
6605EBPrepare for Medicare!03/13/2503/13/25One Thu., 6:30-8:30PM 03/13 (MT)41.00
6605EDPrepare for Medicare!05/15/2505/15/25One Thu., 6:30-8:30PM 05/15 (MT)41.00
6621CSHow Valuable is That Coin? An Introduction to Coin Collecting03/01/2503/01/25One Sat., 1-3:30PM 03/01 (MT)51.00
6621CTHow Valuable is That Coin? An Introduction to Coin Collecting05/03/2505/03/25One Sat., 1-3:30PM 05/03 (MT)51.00
6625DFWills, Trusts, Power of Attorneys, Living Wills: Make Sense of It All02/25/2502/25/25One Tue., 6:30-8PM 02/25 (MT)41.00
6626HDos and Don'ts of Estate Planning: How to Protect Yourself and Loved Ones02/18/2502/18/25One Tue., 6-7:30PM 02/18 (MT)41.00
6816BRAlternatives to Traditional Real Estate Investing04/17/2504/17/25One Thu., 6-9PM 04/17 (MT)48.00
6868HYBasics of Managing Rental Property: Keep Trouble & Vacancies Down, Prosperity & Investment Up04/15/2504/15/25One Tue., 6-9PM 04/15 (MT)46.00
7102BEmpathic Leadership in Action: Building Thriving Teams04/12/2504/12/25One Sat., 1-3PM 04/12 (MT)51.00
9993AECFU Gift Certificate12/31/2512/31/25Gift Certificate $25, $50, $75, $100 options25.00
L8122BDISpanish 402/13/2503/13/25Five Thu., 9:30-10:55AM Begins 02/13 (MT)154.00
L8126NMSpanish 504/01/2504/29/25Five Tue., 7:35-9PM Begins 04/01 (MT)139.00
L8126NOSpanish 504/24/2505/22/25Five Thu., 9:30-10:55AM Begins 04/24 (MT)139.00
L8128LMSpanish 605/06/2506/03/25Five Tue., 7:35-9PM Begins 05/06 (MT)154.00
L8131JFKSpanish 1 Full02/13/2503/13/25Five Thu., 11:05AM-12:30PM Begins 02/13 (MT)154.00
L8131JFQSpanish 104/01/2504/29/25Five Tue., 6-7:25PM Begins 04/01 (MT)154.00
L8132EFCSpanish 205/06/2506/03/25Five Tue., 6-7:25PM Begins 05/06 (MT)154.00
L8132EXWSpanish 203/20/2504/17/25Five Thu., 11:05AM-12:30PM Begins 03/20 (MT)154.00
L8137ACReady, Set, Spanish!: The Next Step02/13/2503/13/25Five Thu., 6:30-8PM Begins 02/13 (MT)154.00
L8140GPWSpanish Conversation 104/24/2505/22/25Five Thu., 11:05AM-12:30PM Begins 04/24 (MT)154.00
L8141UMSpanish Conversation 202/25/2503/25/25Five Tue., 7:35-9PM Begins 02/25 (MT)139.00
L8141UOSpanish Conversation 203/20/2504/17/25Five Thu., 9:30-10:55AM Begins 03/20 (MT)139.00
L8150FESpanish 802/25/2503/25/25Five Tue., 6-7:25PM Begins 02/25 (MT)154.00

Click the course Title link for more information.

These courses may be offered at a future date. Click the course Title link for more information.