Colorado Free University Course Listing and Online Registration

Arts and Crafts Classes

Click the course Title link for more information.

1203EExploring Mixed Media Art10/19/2410/19/24One Sat., 2-4PM 10/19 (MT)51.00
1206ESpontaneous Collage: A Gateway to Creativity09/25/2409/25/24One Wed., 6-8PM 09/25 (MT)46.00
1206FSpontaneous Collage: A Gateway to Creativity10/27/2410/27/24One Sun., 1-3PM 10/27 (MT)46.00
1213AYNature Journaling: The Joy of Sketching10/13/2410/13/24One Sun., 1-3:30PM 10/13 (MT)56.00
1239LCollage for Clarity©09/08/2409/08/24One Sun., 2-4:30PM 09/08 (MT)61.00
1239MCollage for Clarity©11/17/2411/17/24One Sun., 1-3:30PM 11/17 (MT)61.00
1456BR9No Fear Acrylics09/21/2409/21/24One Sat., 1-5PM 09/21 (MT)56.00
1456BSNo Fear Acrylics12/07/2412/07/24One Sat., 1-5PM 12/07 (MT)56.00
1491AT9In-Depth Drawing Workshop: Take Your Art to the Next Level09/28/2411/09/24Six Sat., 9AM-12N Begins 09/28; Skips 10/26 (MT)156.00
1559KACrafting Furniture: Woodworking Basics09/14/2409/16/24One Sat. & One Sun., 9AM-1PM, 9/14 & 9/15 table114.00
1559KBCrafting Furniture: Woodworking Basics10/19/2410/20/24One Sat. & One Sun., 9AM-1PM, 10/19 & 10/20 bookcase114.00
1562BH9Beginning Colored Pencil Techniques11/16/2411/16/24One Sat., 10AM-4PM 11/16 (MT)66.00

Click the course Title link for more information.

These courses may be offered at a future date. Click the course Title link for more information.