Colorado Free University Course Listing and Online Registration

Money Management Classes

Click the course Title link for more information.

3129AAThe Role of Cognitive Bias in Producing Suboptimal Outcomes: How We Make Decisions in Financial Markets…and in Our L02/15/2502/15/25One Sat., 9AM-12N 02/15 (MT)61.00
3129ABThe Role of Cognitive Bias in Producing Suboptimal Outcomes: How We Make Decisions in Financial Markets…and in Our L04/26/2504/26/25One Sat., 9AM-12N 04/26 (MT)61.00
3612CMTaxes for the Small Business Owner02/18/2502/18/25One Tue., 6-9PM 02/18 (MT)51.00
3612CNTaxes for the Small Business Owner (Online)03/18/2503/18/25One Tue., 6-9PM 03/18 (MT)51.00
3612COTaxes for the Small Business Owner04/22/2504/22/25One Tue., 6-9PM 04/22 (MT)51.00
3612CPTaxes for the Small Business Owner (Online)05/20/2505/20/25One Tue., 6-9PM 05/20 (MT)51.00
6625DFWills, Trusts, Power of Attorneys, Living Wills: Make Sense of It All02/25/2502/25/25One Tue., 6:30-8PM 02/25 (MT)41.00
6626HDos and Don'ts of Estate Planning: How to Protect Yourself and Loved Ones02/18/2502/18/25One Tue., 6-7:30PM 02/18 (MT)41.00

Click the course Title link for more information.

These courses may be offered at a future date. Click the course Title link for more information.