Colorado Free University Course Listing and Online Registration

Courses Taught by Sue Gosman

Click the course Title link for more information.

L8121IFLSpanish 3 (Online)02/25/2503/25/25Five Tue., 9:30-10:55AM Begins 02/25 (MT)154.00
L8122BDISpanish 402/13/2503/13/25Five Thu., 9:30-10:55AM Begins 02/13 (MT)154.00
L8131JFKSpanish 1 Full02/13/2503/13/25Five Thu., 11:05AM-12:30PM Begins 02/13 (MT)154.00
L8132EXWSpanish 203/20/2504/17/25Five Thu., 11:05AM-12:30PM Begins 03/20 (MT)154.00
L8141UOSpanish Conversation 203/20/2504/17/25Five Thu., 9:30-10:55AM Begins 03/20 (MT)139.00
L8142IESpanish Conversation 3 (Online)02/25/2503/25/25Five Tue., 11:05AM-12:30PM Begins 02/25 (MT)154.00

Click the course Title link for more information.

These courses may be offered at a future date. Click the course Title link for more information.