Colorado Free University Course Listing and Online Registration

Courses Taught by T.B.A.

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8999WSingle Spanish Material Purchase12/31/2412/31/24Spanish Materials0.00
9993ADCFU Gift Certificate12/31/2412/31/24Gift Certificate $25, $50, $75, $100 options25.00
L8063OGMedical Spanish 1 (Online)10/02/2410/30/24Five Wed., 6-7:25PM Begins 10/02 (MT)139.00
L8121IEXSpanish 3 (Online)10/03/2411/14/24Five Thu., 6-7:25PM Begins 10/03; Skips 10/17 & 10/24 (MT)154.00
L8121IEYSpanish 3 (Online)10/10/2411/07/24Five Thu., 7:35-9PM Begins 10/10 (MT)154.00
L8121IFASpanish 3 (Online)10/29/2411/26/24Five Tue., 9:30-10:55AM Begins 10/29 (MT)154.00
L8121IFBSpanish 3 (Online)11/04/2412/02/24Five Mon., 1-2:25PM Begins 11/04 (MT)154.00
L8121IFCSpanish 3 (Online)11/06/2412/11/24Five Wed., 7:35-9PM Begins 11/06; Skips 11/27 (MT)154.00
L8122BCXSpanish 4 (Online)10/30/2411/27/24Five Wed., 1-2:25PM Begins 10/30 (MT)154.00
L8128LESpanish 610/01/2411/19/24Five Tue., 6-7:25PM Begins 10/01; Skips 10/15, 10/22 & 10/29139.00
L8131JFCSpanish 1 (Online)10/03/2411/14/24Five Thu., 7:35-9PM Begins 10/03; Skips 10/17 & 10/24 (MT)154.00
L8131JFDSpanish 1 (Online)10/15/2411/12/24Five Tue., 7:35-9PM Begins 10/15 (MT)154.00
L8131JFESpanish 1 (Online)11/06/2412/11/24Five Wed., 6-7:25PM Begins 11/06; Skips 11/27 (MT)154.00
L8132EXJSpanish 210/03/2410/31/24Five Thu., 9:30-10:55AM Begins 10/03 (MT)154.00
L8132EXKSpanish 2 (Online)10/10/2411/07/24Five Thu., 6-7:25PM Begins 10/10 (MT)154.00
L8132EXLSpanish 2 (Online)10/14/2411/11/24Five Mon., 6-7:25PM Begins 10/14 (MT)154.00
L8132EXMSpanish 2 (Online)10/30/2411/27/24Five Wed., 9:30-10:55AM Begins 10/30 (MT)154.00
L8134LLSpanish 710/03/2410/31/24Five Thu., 11:05AM-12:30PM Begins 10/03 (MT)154.00
L8140GPGSpanish Conversation 110/01/2411/19/24Five Tue., 7:35-9PM Begins 10/01; Skips 10/15, 10/22, & 10/29154.00
L8140GPHSpanish Conversation 1 (Online)10/02/2410/30/24Five Wed., 7:35-9PM Begins 10/02 (MT)154.00
L8140GPISpanish Conversation 1 (Online)10/22/2411/19/24Five Tue., 6-7:25PM Begins 10/22 (MT)154.00
L8140GPJSpanish Conversation 1 (Online)11/04/2412/02/24Five Mon., 11:05AM-12:30PM Begins 11/04 (MT)154.00
L8140GPKSpanish Conversation 111/07/2412/12/24Five Thu., 9:30-10:55AM Begins 11/07; Skips 11/28154.00
L8141UCSpanish Conversation 2 (Online)10/15/2411/12/24Five Tue., 6-7:25PM Begins 10/15 (MT)154.00
L8141UDSpanish Conversation 2 (Online)10/23/2411/20/24Five Wed., 6-7:25PM Begins 10/23 (MT)154.00
L8141UESpanish Conversation 2 (Online)10/29/2411/26/24Five Tue., 11:05AM-12:30PM Begins 10/29 (MT)154.00
L8141UFSpanish Conversation 2 (Online)11/04/2412/02/24Five Mon., 9:30-10:55AM Begins 11/04 (MT)154.00
L8142IASpanish Conversation 3 (Online)10/22/2411/19/24Five Tue., 7:35-9PM Begins 10/22 (MT)154.00
L8142IBSpanish Conversation 3 (Online)10/30/2411/27/24Five Wed., 11:05AM-12:30PM Begins 10/30 (MT)154.00
L8150FBSpanish 8 (Online)10/14/2411/11/24Five Mon., 7:35-9PM Begins 10/14 (MT)154.00
L8150FCSpanish 811/07/2412/12/24Five Thu., 11:05AM-12:30PM Begins 11/07; Skips 11/28 (MT)154.00
L8164CQSpanish Conversation 4 (Online)10/23/2411/20/24Five Wed., 7:35-9PM Begins 10/23 (MT)154.00

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These courses may be offered at a future date. Click the course Title link for more information.