Colorado Free University Course Listing and Online Registration

Personal Develoopment and Life Skills

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1239LCollage for Clarity©09/08/2409/08/24One Sun., 2-4:30PM 09/08 (MT)61.00
1239MCollage for Clarity©11/17/2411/17/24One Sun., 1-3:30PM 11/17 (MT)61.00
1410ACPower Up Your Memory: Stay Sharp for Life09/28/2409/28/24One Sat., 1-4PM 09/28 (MT)66.00
1410ADPower Up Your Memory: Stay Sharp for Life11/12/2411/12/24One Tue., 6-9PM 11/12 (MT)66.00
1952BWHow to Become a Thriving Life Coach (Online)09/18/2409/18/24One Wed., 6:30-7:30PM 09/18 (MT)41.00
1952BXHow to Become a Thriving Life Coach (Online)11/06/2411/06/24One Wed., 6:30-7:30PM 11/06 (MT)41.00
1961AQDo You Have a Spirit Guide? Learning How to Connect with the Divine09/15/2409/15/24One Sun., 1-3:30PM 09/15 (MT)51.00
1964CPractical Spirituality in an Impractical World09/22/2409/22/24One Sun., 1-3:30PM 09/22 (MT)51.00
2523CYHypnosis for Anxiety Relief: Inner Peace Unlocked (Online)09/18/2409/18/24One Wed., 7-9PM 09/18 (MT)41.00
3130BDRetirement Red Zone: How to Avoid the Potholes and Pitfalls (Online)10/03/2410/24/24Four Thu., 6-7:15PM Begins 10/03 (MT)61.00
3130BERetirement Red Zone: How to Avoid the Potholes and Pitfalls (Online)11/07/2412/05/24Four Thu., 6-7:15PM Begins 11/07; Skips 11/2861.00
3226BWDiscover Your Talents: Develop Your Strengths (Online)10/07/2410/07/24One Mon., 6-8PM 10/07 (MT)61.00
3226BXDiscover Your Talents: Develop Your Strengths (Online)11/04/2411/04/24One Mon., 6-8PM 11/04 (MT)61.00
4524DPEmpathy-Based Communication: Authentic Presence for Successful Relationships09/14/2409/14/24One Sat., 1-4PM 09/14 (MT)51.00
4524DQEmpathy-Based Communication: Authentic Presence for Successful Relationships11/18/2411/18/24One Mon., 6:30-9:30PM 11/18 (MT)51.00
4524DREmpathy-Based Communication: Authentic Presence for Successful Relationships12/14/2412/14/24One Sat., 1-4PM 12/14 (MT)51.00
4529FSFantastic First Impression: How to Wow Whomever You Meet09/21/2409/21/24One Sat., 9AM-12N 09/21 (MT)51.00
4529FTFantastic First Impression: How to Wow Whomever You Meet11/02/2411/02/24One Sat., 9AM-12N 11/02 (MT)51.00
8965TGreat American Smoke-Out: Kick the Habit with Hypnosis11/21/2411/21/24One Thu., 7-9PM 11/21 (MT)15.00

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These courses may be offered at a future date. Click the course Title link for more information.