Colorado Free University Course Listing and Online Registration

All special event and classes offered onlilne

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3356CJBasic Mediation Training: Become a Mediator (Online)02/24/2502/28/25Mon.-Fri., 8AM-5PM Begins 02/24 (MT)1495.00
3356CKBasic Mediation Training: Become a Mediator (Online)03/31/2504/04/25Mon.-Fri., 8AM-5PM Begins 3/31 (MT)1495.00
3356CLBasic Mediation Training: Become a Mediator (Online)05/05/2506/02/25Mon.-Fri., 8AM-5PM Begins 5/5 (MT)1495.00
6655BPUltra-Investing Using Options: Intro to Options (Online)02/11/2502/11/25One Tue., 6:30-9PM 02/11 (MT)61.00
6673ALHome Business Gold Mine (Online)02/12/2502/12/25One Wed., 6:30-9PM 02/12 (MT)61.00
7108VSuccessful Fundraising for Nonprofits (Online)06/01/2506/01/25One Sun., 2-4:30PM 06/01 (MT)56.00
8814SHow to Travel Free & Make Money Traveling (Online)02/22/2502/22/25One Sat., 10AM-1PM 02/22 (MT)71.00
8816LWork Remotely & Become a Digital Nomad: Create Your Money-Making Travel Lifestyle & Work Anywhe03/22/2503/22/25One Sat., 10AM-1PM 03/22 (MT)71.00
8817NGet Paid to Teach English: In the United States & Overseas (Online)03/08/2503/08/25One Sat., 10AM-1PM 03/08 (MT)71.00
9204UCreate a Website for Fun, Profit, & Business! (Online)02/25/2502/25/25One Tue., 6-9PM 02/25 (MT)61.00

Click the course Title link for more information.

These courses may be offered at a future date. Click the course Title link for more information.