Colorado Free University Course Listing and Online Registration

Online classes-Business, Marketing, Nonprofit

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1952BWHow to Become a Thriving Life Coach (Online)09/18/2409/18/24One Wed., 6:30-7:30PM 09/18 (MT)41.00
1952BXHow to Become a Thriving Life Coach (Online)11/06/2411/06/24One Wed., 6:30-7:30PM 11/06 (MT)41.00
2005BBSelf-Publishing: Ins & Outs, Pros & Cons (Online)10/10/2410/10/24One Thu., 6:30-9:30PM 10/10 (MT)56.00
3107BQResume Writing Strategies (Online)09/18/2409/18/24One Wed., 6:30-8PM 09/18 (MT)46.00
3134BGCustomer Journey Strategy: Find and Keep Your Customers (Online)09/19/2409/19/24One Thu., 6-8PM 09/19 (MT)51.00
3134BHCustomer Journey Strategy: Find and Keep Your Customers (Online)11/12/2411/12/24One Tue., 6-8PM 11/12 (MT)51.00
3210BISuccessful Email Marketing: Get Your Emails Read! (Online)11/23/2411/23/24One Sat., 9AM-12N 11/23 (MT)56.00
3226BWDiscover Your Talents: Develop Your Strengths (Online)10/07/2410/07/24One Mon., 6-8PM 10/07 (MT)61.00
3226BXDiscover Your Talents: Develop Your Strengths (Online)11/04/2411/04/24One Mon., 6-8PM 11/04 (MT)61.00
3237FT2Colorado Notary Training: New & Renewing Notaries (Online)10/08/2410/08/24One Tue., 2-4PM 10/08 (MT)57.00
3237FWColorado Notary Training: New & Renewing Notaries (Online)12/10/2412/10/24One Tue., 2-4PM 12/10 (MT)57.00
3271BYBecome a Grant Writer (Online)09/21/2409/21/24One Sat., 9AM-4PM 09/21 (MT)113.00
3275EInclusion and Belonging: An Interactive Discussion of DEI (Online)10/10/2410/10/24One Thu., 6-9PM 10/10 (MT)61.00
3335CKNotary Signing Agent Training: Make Money Notarizing Mortgages (Online)11/16/2411/16/24One Sat., 9AM-12N 11/16 (MT)181.00
3343IHExploring Mediation as a Career (Online)10/05/2410/05/24One Sat., 10AM-12N 10/05 (MT)47.00
3343IIExploring Mediation as a Career (Online)11/09/2411/09/24One Sat., 10AM-12N 11/09 (MT)47.00
3356CFBasic Mediation Training: Become a Mediator (Online)10/28/2411/01/24Mon.-Fri., 8AM-5PM Begins 10/28 (MT)1495.00
3356CGBasic Mediation Training: Become a Mediator (Online)11/18/2411/22/24Mon.-Fri., 8AM-5PM Begins 11/18 (MT)1495.00
3356CHBasic Mediation Training: Become a Mediator (Online)12/09/2412/13/24Mon.-Fri., 8AM-5PM Begins 12/9 (MT)1495.00
3399BAHow to Plan a Marketing Calendar That Works for Your Business (Online)10/17/2410/17/24One Thu., 6-8PM 10/17 (MT)51.00
3418AFThe Keys to Writing for the Web: Be the Blog (Online)11/20/2411/20/24One Wed., 6-8PM 11/20 (MT)46.00
3612CITaxes for the Small Business Owner (Online)09/17/2409/17/24One Tue., 6-9PM 09/17 (MT)51.00
3730AIHow to Make a Podcast for Fun or Profit: Everything You Need to Know (Online)11/14/2411/14/24One Thu., 6:30-9:30PM 11/14 (MT)61.00
7105BBHow to Start a Nonprofit Organization (Online)10/06/2410/06/24One Sun., 1-3:30PM 10/06 (MT)56.00
7106AMBuilding Your Nonprofit for the Future: Strategic Planning That Works (Online)09/29/2409/29/24One Sun., 3:30-6PM 09/29 (MT)56.00
7107VOrientation to the Nonprofit World: Fundamentals & Opportunities (Online)10/06/2410/06/24One Sun., 4-6:30PM 10/06 (MT)56.00
8817MGet Paid to Teach English: In the United States & Overseas (Online)10/12/2410/12/24One Sat., 10AM-1PM 10/12 (MT)71.00

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These courses may be offered at a future date. Click the course Title link for more information.